Shut Down and Revive

Vertica has two options for shutting down a database: terminate and delete.

Accelerator uses Terminate to describe archiving a database so it is no longer active but can later be revived for future use. If you will not use a database again and do not need to continue storing the data, you can Delete the database.


If a database is not actively required anymore but the data needs to be archived for the future, Vertica Accelerator provides an option to Terminate the database. The terminate feature allows you to preserve all your stored data and S3 buckets, while releasing some resources by deleting all the associated nodes. Terminated databases can be revived at any time.

Note: Since the S3 bucket will be preserved, you will continue to incur billing for the bucket.


You can revive a terminated database and return it to your Home page with all of its preserved data when required. Note: Database region, database name, and the number of nodes cannot be changed when reviving a database. However, the number of nodes can be changed after it is revived.

Note: All secondary subclusters must be dropped before the database can be terminated.

To terminate a database, first drop all secondary subclusters. Then locate the database you want to terminate on the Accelerator Home page and select More (more_vert) in the­ top-right cornerFrom there, select Terminate followed by Terminate Database.

To revive a terminated database, navigate to Terminated Databases under More in the left-hand menu. From the list of Terminated Databases select the database to be revived, and select Revive. Review the previous configuration. To make changes, select Edit and update the configuration, and when you are satisfied with your selection click Revise Database.

Note: At the time of revive, you will have an option to choose a database version equal to or higher than that during termination.


Issue a request to delete a database if it is no longer required. Doing so will permanently delete its S3 bucket as well as all stored data, including backups. In addition to saving the EC2 Instance cost by releasing the nodes, deleting a database will also save the cost of S3 buckets.

Note: A deleted database cannot be revived. And since backups will also be deleted, they cannot be restored in future.


To issue a delete database request, the database must first be terminated. Once it has been terminated, navigate to Terminated Databases under More in the left-hand menu of Accelerator. Locate the database to be deleted in the list of Terminated Databases and select More (more_vert). From there, Select Delete. Provide necessary confirmation and Submit Request. The Vertica operations team will reach out to you for confirmation of the delete request. On receiving confirmation, the database will be deleted.

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